The SAAD Digest is the Journal of the Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry and has been published regularly in London UK, since 1970. It has been produced in its current format since 2006, and copies of all editions produced since then are available below to view or download in PDF.
From 2024 two editions will be published each year, in March and September.
The Digest has become a unique and invaluable international forum for all interested in advancement of knowledge in pain and anxiety control for dentistry.
The Editorial Board invites contributions from all active in the field, and is interested to receive case reports.
Potential authors should consult the Guidelines for Authors.
Please contact with any enquiries.
The submission deadlines:
30 June (for publication in the March issue)
31 December (for publication in the September issue)
Current volume...
Volume 40(II) (2024) - available online for SAAD Members