SAAD is a charity at the forefront of postgraduate teaching of sedation techniques in dentistry.
The society runs courses for the whole dental team encouraging the safe provision of conscious sedation.
SAAD uses the income from the courses to support sedation research and education.
Membership of the society is open to any registered dental or medical practitioner, dental nurse or dental therapist/hygienist.
What's new?
Clinical guide for dental anxiety management
NHS England Clinical guide for dental anxiety mana...
Hospital dentistry
Sedation pathway delivery guide
Nitrous oxide possession
The Government has updated the law to make possess...
Dental Sedation and Breastfeeding Fact Sheet
Dental Sedation and Breastfeeding A factsheet prov...
Nitrous oxide
Waste mitigation - update from SDCEP. Sustainabili...
The Lord Colwyn
It is with great sadness SAAD reports the passing...
Are you looking for...?
A SAAD Evaluator can visit your practice and evaluate in accordance with the SAAD Safe Sedation Practice Scheme.
The Journal of the Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry.
SAAD offers an array of prizes and research grants: annual essay and poster prizes, research grants and PhD funding.
Complimentary for SAAD members: up to eight hours of sedation CPD based on the papers in the SAAD Digest
Train with SAAD
Our next available courses...
Therapists/ Hygienists
SAAD members
Thank you for your continued support and membership of SAAD. As a society we have managed to keep the membership fee static for a number of years, however a small increase is now necessary to maintain commitments to our members.
With effect from 1 September 2023 the annual UK subscription fee increased to £60, the international subscription fee increased to £70.
The fee paid by DCPs remains the same.