The SAAD Digest

Guidance for contributors

The SAAD Digest is the Journal of the Society for the Advancement of Anaesthesia in Dentistry and has been published regularly in London UK, since 1970. It has been produced in its current format since 2006. One edition is published each year in February. Copies of all editions produced since then are available online from the Digest page on the SAAD website.

The Editorial Board are very keen to encourage contributions from interested authors who would like to add to the body of knowledge contained within its pages. We have striven hard over many years to make it increasingly more professional as well of course, more relevant and to become essential reading for all in the field, both in the UK and worldwide. We believe that Digest has become a unique and invaluable international forum for all interested in advancement of knowledge in pain and anxiety control for dentistry.

What potential contributors may not realise is that the team producing Digest is small and that a great deal of work takes place between receiving an article, its vetting by two independent peer reviewers, corresponding with the authors, proofing, and its final appearance in the Digest. Sadly, despite having encouraged all potential contributors to adhere to our guidelines, many excellent contributions are received showing considerable divergence from our desired format. This at least, can result in the need for additional correspondence with author, extra work, delay and in some cases missing our publication date or possibly, rejection.

So, this new revision endeavours to combine our previous documents into one in the hope that we can minimise the work required to convert your precious papers into our final publication format, benefitting the hard-pressed Editorial team, but also making it more likely that the Digest will appear within its hoped for publication window and containing your paper!


The stages

What are we looking for?

Stage One

We welcome research articles, reports of randomised controlled trials, articles derived from diploma dissertations, practice-related articles, education, professional opinion, case reports and general articles. If you are any doubt about the format or content of a proposed article please contact us before submission. It should be noted that articles are now only accepted in digital format and via email. It is a condition of acceptance of manuscripts that they are the work solely of the author or authors stated and that they have not been previously published elsewhere (either in print or electronic format) nor are they under consideration by any other periodical.

Manuscripts should meet the following criteria: they should be original, clearly written, relevant to dentistry, reader-orientated (in other words written to appeal to the readership of any interested in pain and anxiety control in dentistry) and designed to inform, add to discussion or debate, or entertain. Research papers should also have appropriate study methods, valid data and conclusions that are supported by the data.