

Safe sedation practice for healthcare procedures. An update’.

Briefing paper No:2. 20/05/2021

Please note the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges document, ‘Safe Sedation Practice for Healthcare Procedures. An Update’ has been amended to clarify the position for dental procedures carried out under dental conscious sedation in primary and secondary care settings.

The relevant sections are on page 3, final paragraph, and on page 8, that updates the reference.

'These recommendations are primarily intended for the use of hospitals and clinics in which sedation for non-dental procedures is given. Dental sedationists practising in primary or secondary care settings should ensure that standards of practice are in accordance with those detailed in guidance published by the Intercollegiate Advisory Committee for Sedation in Dentistry (IACSD).5'


Mr. S G Jones
President, SAAD.

Briefing paper No:1. 09/05/2021

The recent publication of the above document by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC), in February 2021 has caused considerable concern amongst dental professionals involved in the delivery of conscious sedation.

The chief areas of concern relate to the process involved in its production and the implications for dental conscious sedation services.

The review group comprised only anaesthetists; there was no dental sedationist representation or consultation. The document was published without reference to the review process or peer review before publication.

Unfortunately, the update document undermines IACSD, SDCEP and NHS England commissioning guidance.

The update also blurs definitions of sedation and changes fasting recommendations without stating any new evidence; ECG and capnography become mandatory.

There are revisions to guidance on sedation team members and changes to guidance on ILS/PILS.

An interested group, including seven dental sedationists, who are current members of IACSD have written to the Chair of IACSD and to the National Dental Advisor at the Care Quality Commission to voice their concerns.

The matter is now being picked up at national level as the implications of the update will inevitably have unintended consequences for dental sedation service commissioning and provision.

Hopefully, there will be a rapid resolution of this matter. SAAD will post regular briefings on the website to keep interested parties up to date with progress and to provide reassurance that this matter continues to be actively pursued.

It is requested that any comments be directed via SAAD Executive Secretary at fiona@saad.org.uk so coordinated action may be taken. Your cooperation with this is very much appreciated.

Mr S G Jones.
President, SAAD
