


We'd like to welcome you to the SAAD Life Support (SLS) course!

Aim: To fulfil the IACSD requirement 'Practitioners must be able to provide age-appropriate Immediate Life Support'

Teaching points: 

  • Participants will gain an increased knowledge of medical emergencies, causes and management related to sedation
  • They will practice simulated scenarios in small groups
  • Learn airway management skills

CPD hours: Five hours, 30 minutes fulfilling GDC learning outcomes C.

Places are limited, and so please register now to secure your place.
 is an in person event and will not be live-streamed/recorded.

Date: Saturday 8 February 2025

Times: 10:00 - 17:30


Click on the speaker's image to read their biographies - alternately please scroll down 


If you would like to attend the symposium, but find that registration has closed, please email


Event Details

Starts on:08/02/2025
Location:Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road Campus


£ 275.00
£ 150.00

New IACSD standard on clinical use and training


Remimazolam for intravenous conscious sedation for dental procedures 

10 January 2023

The Intercollegiate Advisory Committee for Sedation in Dentistry (IACSD) published 'Standards for Conscious Sedation in the Provision of Dental Care'  in April 2015, with an update in March 2020.

The current IACSD Standards document pre-dates remimazolam authorisation. IACSD has therefore released interim guidance on the clinical use of remimazolam, including training requirements. 

To ensure patient safety, dentists and doctors using remimazolam for dental conscious sedation will be expected to comply with this guidance. See link below.

Please click here to download the IACSD's January 2023 Interim Guidance on the use of Remimazolam for dental patients.