This course is designed to provide dental nurses with the knowledge, skills and attitudes, that, when followed by supervised clinical practice with an approved clinical supervisor, will enable them to assist an operator-sedationist during the provision of dental treatment under conscious sedation. The course is taught by some of the country’s most experienced sedation teachers. The course includes the main areas of sedation: intravenous, inhalational and oral. Most topics are covered by lectures, demonstrations and small group practical sessions. There are practical skill stations in venepuncture, monitoring and Basic Life Support. Detailed course notes are provided and students are encouraged to ask lots of questions! A certificate of attendance is awarded at the end of the course. This is a standalone course that can be attended by experienced sedation nurses as a refresher, or by 'new starters' as part of the SAAD Assessed Sedation Nurse scheme.
If your registration fee will be paid by a third party; please ensure that you enter, under 'purchaser info', all of the details they require to appear on the invoice.
Re ILS training - practitioners must be able to provide age-appropriate immediate life support as defined by the main elements of the Resuscitation Council (UK) ILS and PILS training programmes. It is not essential to undertake a Resuscitation Council (UK) accredited ILS/PILS course. Alternative courses with equivalent content which are adapted to the needs of dental practice are acceptable: these might also include the management of common sedation, medical and dental emergencies. This training should be renewed annually.
New IACSD standard on clinical use and training
10 January 2023
The Intercollegiate Advisory Committee for Sedation in Dentistry (IACSD) published 'Standards for Conscious Sedation in the Provision of Dental Care' in April 2015, with an update in March 2020.
The current IACSD Standards document pre-dates remimazolam authorisation. IACSD has therefore released interim guidance on the clinical use of remimazolam, including training requirements.
To ensure patient safety, dentists and doctors using remimazolam for dental conscious sedation will be expected to comply with this guidance. See link below.